sâmbătă, 13 ianuarie 2018

Dan Manatt ha twittato: Must Read from South Africa. @KennethBaer

I tuoi Highlight
Dan Manatt
Must Read from South Africa. @KennethBaer
Adam Schiff
1.) You told Dreamers they had nothing to worry about, then ended DACA.

2.) You claim to support protecting them, but you're using them as leverage for your ridiculous wall.

3.) You rejected a bipartisan deal yesterday.

You're fooling no one. twitter.com/realdonaldtrum…
Citizens for Ethics
Over a year ago, we warned that if the president wanted to government to lower the taxes on his hotel, it might be hard for the government to say no. Now we know: they gave him what he wanted.
Jeet Heer
According to Bannon, Trump has settlements with around 100 women. twitter.com/michelleinbkly…
Yashar Ali 🐘
New: Donald Trump asked James O'Keefe if he could "get inside" Columbia University and obtain President Obama's sealed college records, according to a passage in O'Keefe's forthcoming book. cnnmon.ie/2mpzSzZ
This is how every Democrat should be approaching members of the Republican Party. twitter.com/IronStache/sta…
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