duminică, 19 decembrie 2010


and how are you?
I just picked oneNEW APPLE MB986 LLACANONIP 100BN MACBOOK PRO 15.4 4GB 500 from this website    www.sdebut.com   and I love it. I paid $1010US all charges included  This machine is without a doubt the best computer, if not the best piece of technology gear, that I have ever used or owned. this is a seriously great machine. I'm no Mac fanboy - I run Windows, Linux, Mac, whatever - but I'm very impressed with the quality and especially the construction and build durability. It's honestly at a level above any other laptop, it's a pretty stunning difference. If it is more expensive, it will make up for it in longevity and resale value alone. Definitely worth it. f you want to get one.you can check it out .
I hope you have an enjoyable xmas

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