vineri, 20 aprilie 2018

Richard W. Painter ha twittato: The Israel boycott has anti-Semitic ...

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Richard W. Painter
The Israel boycott has anti-Semitic overtones and is not a path toward peace. Both sides need to compromise.

Barnard against Israel with warped campus vote - NY Daily News
1 tweep unfollowed (goodbye!) me in the past week. Thank you .
Laurence Tribe
Those geniuses thinking they're defending their main man, Trump, aren't playing with a full deck:
Kyle Griffin
The DNC has filed a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against the Russian government, the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks alleging a far-reaching conspiracy to disrupt the 2016 campaign and tilt the election to Donald Trump, WaPo reports.
Adam Schiff
The memos do not discuss collusion, Mr. President, but they do show you clearing the room and asking Director Comey to drop the Flynn case. Along with your repeated requests for loyalty and to "lift the cloud," this is all evidence of potential obstruction.…
Preet Bharara
Smart take @Barnes_Law…
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