sâmbătă, 23 decembrie 2017

Richard W. Painter ha twittato: Members of Congress are getting into Trump’s witness intimidation game. In 2018 a lot of them will have to be fired.

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Richard W. Painter
Members of Congress are getting into Trump's witness intimidation game. In 2018 a lot of them will have to be fired. twitter.com/SenWhitehouse/…
Joy Reid
More victims of the long con. twitter.com/nytimes/status…
Doug Jones
"Politicians talk enough... I want to listen and understand."
Laurence Tribe
Let them grovel at Dear Leader's feet in 2017, but make them pay politically in 2018:
Kamala Harris
Without question, Russia interfered in the 2016 election. We must act immediately to defend the next election from foreign attacks. Yesterday, I introduced the Secure Elections Act.
Ana Navarro
Let me fix your tweet for you as well: Retweet if you are SICK & TIRED of Donald Trump pretending to be a Bible-Conservative. There. Much better. You're welcome.💁🏻 twitter.com/dangainor/stat…
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