sâmbătă, 16 decembrie 2017

Richard W. Painter ha twittato: This is probably why so many Members of Congress are so hostile to Mueller. They could have a Russia problem too. How Putin's proxies helped funnel millions into GOP campaigns

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Richard W. Painter
This is probably why so many Members of Congress are so hostile to Mueller. They could have a Russia problem too.

How Putin's proxies helped funnel millions into GOP campaigns
David Corn
Good work, Corker. twitter.com/sahilkapur/sta…
Adam Schiff
Much of the damage done by the President can be undone, but lifetime appointments to the federal bench for unqualified ideologues will do lasting harm. twitter.com/senwhitehouse/…
Senator Bob Corker
See my statement on my support for tax reform legislation:
Clara Jeffery
so...I can't even find the adjective that's strong enough. twitter.com/owillis/status…
Joy Reid
To review: Jefferson Sessions' DOJ released an FBI agent's private text messages - selectively - which just happened to help the president's flaks attack the Russiagate investigation that Sessions is recused from... 😐 twitter.com/natashabertran…
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