luni, 18 decembrie 2017

Richard W. Painter ha twittato: This was likely a Roger Stone / FOX set up job. MInnesota voters are entitled to an investigation before a resignation. It’s called due process. Franken urged to reverse his resignation via @politico

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Richard W. Painter
This was likely a Roger Stone / FOX set up job.
MInnesota voters are entitled to an investigation before a resignation. It's called due process.

Franken urged to reverse his resignation via @politico
Ana Navarro
Let me explain the difference between commentator and journalist....oh, forget it.…
Doug Jones
"I think there's an opportunity at every turn," he said on "Fox News Sunday" before adding such cooperation is a "two-way street." 
John Dean
If this reporting is correct it reeks of bribery to get Corker's vote while giving even more tax breaks to Trump. This is about as conspicuous as corruption can get. The GOP and Trump are shameless. Their base is too stupid to stop them!
Ted Lieu
Dear @POTUS: Your own EPA doesn't view government emails as being private. So stop your hypocrisy in saying government transition emails are somehow private. They are not private. Special Counsel Mueller has the right to review .gov emails.
Norm Eisen
Here's the Alito shot I tweeted about yesterday—at the moment when Pres Obama rightly warned Citizens United would open system to risk of foreign money. Prophetic:…
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