sâmbătă, 18 noiembrie 2017

Richard W. Painter ha twittato: Great middle class tax provision. So who voted for these guys, only people with private planes?

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Richard W. Painter
Great middle class tax provision. So who voted for these guys, only people with private planes? twitter.com/CREWcrew/statu…
Red T Raccoon
About 7 months ago I started doing #FBR parties.

It has since ballooned into regular events hosted by others daily.

To say thank you, I'm hosting one last #Followbackresistance party using my favorite motivational movie clip.

Please LIKE, RETWEET, & FOLLOWBACK each other.
Preet Bharara
Let me guess -- they end up casting #PaulGiamatti, right...? #StayTuned twitter.com/theinsneider/s…
Norm Eisen
50 Shades of Yuck twitter.com/sahilkapur/sta…
Citizens for Ethics
The Senate tax plan includes a private aircraft exemption. Should make someone with a private aircraft very happy.
Laurence Tribe
Asked — and not answered, @billmaher twitter.com/billmaher/stat…
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