miercuri, 22 noiembrie 2017

Richard W. Painter ha twittato: This is an official interview. She has violated the Hatch Act by using her position to take sides in a partisan election. That is a firing offense. And for her this is strike two.

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Richard W. Painter
This is an official interview. She has violated the Hatch Act by using her position to take sides in a partisan election. That is a firing offense. And for her this is strike two. twitter.com/waltshaub/stat…
AM Press
Ce se întâmplă atunci când aprinzi candela în casă! - ampress.ro/ce-se-intampla…
Preet Bharara
Horrifying if this is true. Erdogan's jailing of wives of Turkish police chiefs is cowardly and despicable. Period. twitter.com/mahirzeynalov/…
Ziarul Puterea
Sindicatele cheamă românii la PROTESTE împotriva Guvernului
Pagina Europeana
Ministrul delegat pentru Afaceri Europene, Victor Negrescu, a participat, luni, 20 noiembrie, în marja...
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